Mamma & Baby
Yoga and Baby Massage
A course designed for you and baby. Mamma gets safe and gentle postpartum stretching to promote phsyical and mental wellbeing along side baby. Incorporated into that is baby massage. An ancient practice that helps to create intuitive bonds.
Suitable from 8 weeks - crawling.
Babys benefits
Massage can help baby relax and release the tensions of daily stimuli. Decreases irritability, helps reduce gas, colic, sore tummies. and promotes restful sleep (also good for Mamma.)
What to expect
A warm cozy space with NO EXPECTATIONS! Being a Mamma is hard work and sometimes it takes a while to find yourself again (trust me I KNOW).
All equipment needed is provided just bring you and baby essentials.
If you need to take a moment DO IT.
If baby needs feeding/changing GO FOR IT.
If you need a chin wag at the end YASSS!
Like I said no expectations! Take what you and baby need from class each week.
Mamma benefits
This class is for YOU as well, Gentle postpartum friendly yoga stretches, meditation, relaxation all while baby is right there with you safe and happy.
Plus the massage provides that beautiful bonding experience for the both of you.